While Biden Thumbs His Nose at Border Patrol, President Trump Asks Him To Come on the Tour

    Rebekah Zemansky / shutterstock.com
    Rebekah Zemansky / shutterstock.com

    The differences between former President Trump and current President Biden have never been more evident than on the 2024 campaign trail. With both presumptive candidates about to visit two parts of the border in Texas, each is taking a vastly different tour.

    Biden snubbed Border Patrol senior leadership as he prepares to visit Brownsville, TX. Meanwhile, Trump extended the hand of cooperation and invited National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd to accompany him to Eagle Pass, TX.

    Judd hasn’t given Biden much reason to want to see him, either.

    On a Fox News appearance just days before their scheduled visits, Judd said, “He had three years to do what he needed to do to secure the border. He had three years to put policies in place. Now we’re only eight months from an election, and now it looks like he’s interested, and he’s only interested in it because it’s self-serving, and he wants to save himself…The truth of the matter is, yes, he could stop this flow tomorrow.”

    Ol’ Joe is just swinging through for a quick visit, though. Complete with ample photo ops and a “I lost my self-respect at Pablo’s Ice Cream” t-shirt, Biden isn’t visiting to make a difference. Instead, he wants to say he showed up and use it to tell people why they should vote for him.

    This kind of disrespect will be remembered by the people who live along the border, and it damn sure won’t be forgotten by the people working the border. As multiple comments online and quotes in the media for the last few years have shown us, the people along the southern border see what Biden is doing. They know he wants to flood the US with illegals, and they won’t vote for someone who is trying to kill them.