Surprise, Surprise: Hunter Biden Forgets He Had Business Meetings, But Is Certain Daddy Didn’t Come Along

    Andrew Leyden /
    Andrew Leyden /

    Sealed up in a closed-door deposition with House Republicans, Hunter Biden claimed he had no recollection of having at least 29 business dealings. Yet he refuted that he could clearly remember that Daddy had nothing to do with his foreign business ventures. As the House Oversight Committee as part of House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry, Hunter was there only to protect Joe.

    First ignoring his initial subpoena in December 2023, his testimony was incredibly inconsistent and often contradictory. Acting like Joe and showing signs of a faded memory, he once again produced nothing of substance. Refusing to give up the smoking gun he holds on Joe, he’s not leading the people the way things need to go. In his testimony, Hunter tried to evade the subject at every turn.

    “What Vadym is talking about is that the night before, he attended the World Food Programme dinner at Cafe Milano. My dad came to that and stopped by to say hello to people that were there that he had a longstanding relationship with. Vadym was one of the people sitting at the table, and he said hello to them. They did not have a meeting; they met, which is a very, very important distinction with a difference.”

    He later spoke of a Chinese Energey company, CEFC, Hunter suddenly remembered, “My father never made any decisions as it related to my business to benefit me. My father was never financially, nor any other way, of benefit from my business.”

    Only checking the box of answering the question, his testimony provided nothing substantial. Sadly, Congress has avoided asking him the direct and pointed questions that will make him give something big up. In the few instances they have tried to, he can never seem to recall a detail like a date, so he can’t recall a meeting. He says this as if he has no clue about meeting someone as an adult on numerous occasions, something that would then categorize it into a relationship.

    November 5th and Joe being voted out of office so we can properly prosecute the whole damn family can’t come soon enough.