Trump Now Leads Biden in State That Hasn’t Voted Red in Over 50 Years

    Tennessee Witney /
    Tennessee Witney /

    Whenever you talk to political candidates, they are naturally optimistic, hoping and even declaring they are confident in their abilities to win. For some, that hope is unrealistic. For others, it’s so well placed it can no longer be called hope but reality.

    And it certainly seems to be the latter for former President Donald Trump.

    As you know, both Trump and sitting President Joe Biden are gearing up for what will most likely be a 2020 rematch.

    Naturally, both have maintained that they are campaigning well and making great strides in taking over areas once or at least more recently claimed by the other.

    For Biden, he has said that he thinks he can retake typically strong, even deep red states like Florida and North Carolina.

    For Trump, the assumption is that he might be able to flip a few blue ones, such as Virginia and/or Minnesota.

    The difference is that one is achievable, and the other isn’t. And so far, the polls are proving it.

    One of the latest comes from pollster Tony Fabrizio, who, along with several Trump campaign officials, stated that Trump is now ahead of Biden in the typically blue state of Minnesota. This state has not voted for a Republican president since Richard Nixon’s reelection in 1972.

    In 2020, Biden won the state by seven percentage points.

    But as NBC News reports, internal polls in the state show Trump up by at least three points, 49 percent to 46 percent in a head-to-head contest.

    When independent candidates, including Robert F. Kennedy, are added to the mix, Trump and Biden tie at 40 percent.

    When Kennedy is taken out, Trump then leads by five points, 46 percent to 41 percent.

    Similar numbers are seen in Virginia, where Biden also narrowly won in 2020.

    Unfortunately for Biden, the numbers aren’t at all similar in states such as Florida and North Carolina. To put it mildly, these states bleed red, as red as it can get.

    As RNC campaign official Chris LaCivita says, “I think that the Biden campaign is deliberately playing a faux game by talking about (how) they’re going to extend the map in Florida and North Carolina. But we have a real, real opportunity in expanding the map in Virginia and Minnesota.”

    In other words, there’s a real possibility that Trump could flip Minnesota and Virginia, as they are more purply states at present. Florida and North Carolina, on the other hand, don’t look to have the same fate.

    Now, these are polls, which can and do change in nearly the blink of an eye, and we do have a lot of time still between now and November. So anything could happen, I guess.

    But Trump has consistently been ahead in nearly every swing state for some time now, albeit by not a lot. And the margin between the two is growing.