Seriously? Kids’ Alphabet Book Assigns Genders to Every Letter!

    FamVeld /
    FamVeld /

    In the realm of children’s literature, there’s a new entrant in the market that’s raising eyebrows—and not in a good way. Devika Dalal’s “ABC of Gender Identity” is making rounds on major online platforms like Amazon and Barnes and Noble. This book, masquerading as a beacon of diversity and inclusion, is nothing short of a dangerous fantasy aimed at our innocent young minds.

    According to Dalal, children as young as three start exploring their gender identity. Fair enough. But instead of letting kids be kids, she decided to inject her ideology into an alphabet book. As she puts it, her mission is to widen the lens of gender understanding and promote diversity. But let’s call it what it is – a reckless attempt to normalize a laundry list of made-up genders.

    Libs of TikTok recently shared a video showcasing how this book found its way into a classroom in British Columbia. As the pages flipped, we saw a concoction of nonsensical terms purportedly representing different genders. From “agender” to “xirl/xay,” it reads like a parody of real-world gender identities. It’s no wonder parents are outraged and considering homeschooling as a safer alternative.

    Now, let’s dissect some of these so-called genders. “Endogender” supposedly describes someone whose gender fluctuates but is always partly male, female, or something else entirely. “Horogender” suggests your gender identity is on a merry-go-round, changing over time. And let’s not forget “Juxera,” for those feeling feminine but not entirely female. This is not a comprehensive list – it’s a farce.

    But let’s not be too hard on Dalal – after all, she’s just another self-proclaimed creative soul. Her bio reads like a laundry list of self-indulgence, boasting about her achievements and affiliations with big-name corporations. But her apparent self-righteousness aside, her book’s impact on young, impressionable minds is alarming. Under the guise of creativity, she’s peddling confusion and discordance to our children.

    It’s time to draw a line in the sand. Our kids deserve better than to be guinea pigs in someone’s social experiment. It’s high time we reclaim common sense and protect childhood innocence. So, to Ms. Dalal and her ilk, we say enough is enough. Let kids be kids, and let’s keep fantasy where it belongs – in storybooks, not in our classrooms.