Liberal Madness: CA Dems Push to Give Undocumented Immigrants State-Backed Home Loans


    In a shocking display of liberal priorities gone awry, the Democratic super-majority legislature in California has voted to extend a state-funded home loan program to undocumented immigrants, putting them ahead of American citizens in line for affordable housing opportunities.

    Governor Gavin Newsom will now decide whether to sign off on Assembly Bill 1840, which proponents claim aims to close the “ethnic and racial wealth gap” by providing down payment assistance to illegal aliens through the “California Dream for All” program. Meanwhile, thousands of legal Californians struggle to secure housing due to the state’s chronic affordability crisis.

    Not surprisingly, defenders of the bill argue that it doesn’t involve broad immigration reform, despite clearly rewarding individuals who entered the country illegally. As Senator Scott Weiner (D) disingenuously put it, “This [debate]…where Fox News anti-immigration propaganda collides with housing policy.”

    Meanwhile, even left-leaning entrepreneurs like Tesla CEO Elon Musk recognize the absurdity of incentivizing illegality, quipping sarcastically, “Seems like half of earth should move to California, given all the incentives to do so.”

    Predictably, Republicans opposed the handout, citing fiscal responsibility, patriotism, and basic common sense. Senator Shannon Grove (R) aptly pointed out the unfairness of prioritizing unauthorized foreign nationals over deserving US veterans: “I don’t support that in any way, shape or form, especially when there are so many Americans standing in line waiting for a housing opportunity to open up.”

    Bill sponsor Assembly Member Joaquín Arámbula (D) insisted that this wasn’t about immigration – conveniently ignoring reality once again. And what exactly constitutes ‘fairness’ here? Enabling lawbreakers access to exclusive benefits?

    Despite the spin, facts show roughly 600k undocumented homeowners currently live in California; lenders willing work around federal restrictions. It appears the Left seeks only to amplify the magnet effect drawing millions across our porous borders.

    Senator Anna Cabellero (D), attempting damage control, rationalizes that this proposal simply extends an existing privilege: “It does nothing except allow someone to stand in line.”

    But whose interests come first, senator? Those of native-born taxpayers fighting skyrocketing housing costs, or opportunistic newcomers flouting sovereignty rules?