Joe Biden Left Grieving Military Families Waiting 3 Hours So He Could Take a Nap on Air Force One

    SeventyFour /
    SeventyFour /

    You can gauge the political usefulness of a Democrat based on how eagerly the mainstream media throws them under the bus when they start to lose power and influence. For example, if the MSM had thought that Barack Obama was no longer politically useful in 2017, Kenya would have been crawling with reporters that year. They’d have been scrambling for a Pulitzer to prove what we all knew about Obama’s true origins. Joe Biden has obviously lost his usefulness to the party, so now the ugly truth is finally coming out about him. Biden never functioned as a US President.

    The Daily Mail joins the latest chorus of media voices that are finally reporting on the scandalous non-presidency of Biden. They interviewed the grieving families who lost US Marines during the disastrous surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban. We all remember the day that Joe Biden checked his watch during the dignified transfer of the fallen Marines’ bodies. What we didn’t know is that Biden kept the families waiting for three hours because he was taking a nap on Air Force One.

    During the Afghanistan withdrawal, 13 US servicemembers and 170 Afghans were killed by a Taliban suicide bomber.

    “[Biden] made us wait an extra three hours to receive the bodies of our dead family members because he couldn’t pull it together,” said Roice McCollum.

    McCollum says she and the other families were waiting for Biden to show up so the transfer of their loved ones could begin. A military officer approached them and told them Biden had dozed off on the plane and he was going to be a while.

    “We sat in that office for what seemed like an eternity waiting on the doddering old fool,” said Darin Hoover, the father of one of the fallen Marines.

    In typical fashion, the Biden White House claims that the Gold Star families are a bunch of liars.

    This story comes on the heels of a blockbuster report in the Wall Street Journal last week, which revealed that Joe Biden was senile from his first day in office. From the moment of his inauguration in January 2021, Biden was surrounded by an inner circle that kept him shielded from the media, the public, his Cabinet members, and even from Democrats in Congress.

    The report highlights how Biden wasn’t even there for key moments during his time in office. That includes the decision to withdraw the troops from Afghanistan in such a haphazard fashion. If Biden wasn’t even there for that decision, then who made it? That’s what the Gold Start families are asking now. They’re calling for a full investigation into who has actually been running the Executive branch of the government for the last four years. It obviously wasn’t “Diaper Joe.”

    None of this is surprising to conservatives. We all knew Biden was senile and non compos mentis as far back as the Democrat primary debates in 2019. The coverup surrounding the fact that America hasn’t had a real president for four years is shocking. The voters deserve an explanation.

    Who is really in this secret group that has been calling the shots for the past four years? It obviously wasn’t Kamala Harris. She’s a barely functional alcoholic.

    The Gold Star families could tell that Biden “clearly wasn’t well” when they finally did meet with him at the dignified transfer. Every American is owed an apology from this corrupt and unelected regime, starting with those Gold Star families.