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Just Life / shutterstock.com

Tension Between Israel and Iran Could Put US Troops in Danger and Unable To...

As tensions between Israel and Iran skyrocket, tensions are spilling out, and no longer just in Gaza as the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) takes...
Fer Gregory / shutterstock.com

It Only Took 41 Years To Get the Analysis Back on UFO Evidence at...

Back in January 1983, a small Welsh village in Great Britain called Llanilar had their evening tranquility pierced by the should of a strange...
Gorodisskij / shutterstock.com

Turns Out Natural Springs Can Fix What Your Doc Can’t

Ever since the ancient Egyptians, people have enjoyed sitting in hot water. While we use the term to talk about being in trouble, in...
FamVeld / shutterstock.com

Seriously? Kids’ Alphabet Book Assigns Genders to Every Letter!

In the realm of children's literature, there's a new entrant in the market that's raising eyebrows—and not in a good way. Devika Dalal's "ABC...
Hensley Carrasco / shutterstock.com

Harvard Decides To Keep the Book and Scrap the Human Skin Cover

Both museums and colleges take seriously the responsibility of keeping the treasures of the past safe and well-preserved for people to study in the...
khlungcenter / shutterstock.com

Cursing Birds in England Give Zoo Goers More Than They Bargained For 

Lincolnshire Wildlife Park in the United Kingdom is home to the 1500-bird National Parrot Sanctuary, where zoo patrons can see a three-legged puma, play...
ZoneCreative / shutterstock.com

Soros Prosecutor Wants to Jail Hero Cop for Life for Punching a Black Drug...

A heroic police officer in Austin, TX, is about to go on trial for his life. A Soros prosecutor is seeking a life sentence...
esthermm / shutterstock.com

Tech Monopolies Keep Popping Up

Do you think there are monopolies happening within the tech industry? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Share your thoughts with this...
Gino Santa Maria / shutterstock.com

“Couldn’t Care Less:” Trump Responds to Pence’s Refusal to Endorse Him

No one is really surprised that the cowardly Mike Pence has refused to endorse his former boss, Donald J. Trump, for president in 2024....
Markopolo / shutterstock.com

WATCH: Biden’s Concerned with Climate-Friendly Borders Rather Than Secure Ones

It seems that the Biden administration has placed an emphasis on all the wrong things. While President Biden isn't concerned about securing the borders,...