Medal of Freedom or Political Favoritism? Clinton and Soros’ Shocking Honors


    In a move that screams “Why not?” the White House announced that President Joe Biden, in the twilight of his administration, awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom—the country’s highest civilian honor—to none other than leftist billionaire George Soros and everyone’s favorite perennial politician, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    This prestigious award is allegedly reserved for people who’ve done something significant for the prosperity, values, or security of the United States.

    So, uh… how exactly did George Soros and Hillary Clinton make the cut?

    Let’s break this down. Are we awarding Soros for his generous contributions to the rise of woke policies and a justice system that treats violent crime like a minor inconvenience? Or maybe it’s for his political spending spree, bankrolling campaigns to ensure chaos reigns supreme in America’s urban centers. Truly inspiring stuff.

    And Clinton—where do we even start? Is this for her role in the Benghazi disaster? Or maybe her innovative approach to email security, proving that “classified” is just a suggestion? Oh, wait—it must be for the Clinton Foundation’s impeccable reputation for transparency (cue laughter).

    Do these two “deserve” medals for making the world a “better place”? Oh, please. Their real legacy seems to be wielding power, avoiding accountability like it’s an Olympic sport, and leaving everyone else to clean up the disasters they left behind.

    Alongside Soros and Clinton are 17 others, including actor Denzel Washington, musician Bono, and fashion designer Ralph Lauren were deemed worthy of this illustrious recognition. “These nineteen individuals are great leaders who have made America and the world a better place,” the White House gushed in its statement. Oh, they’re great leaders, all right—if by “great leaders” you mean folks who’ve left a trail of controversies, scandals, and eyebrow-raising decisions.

    Maybe next year, the White House can hand out trophies for “Participation in Democracy.” Clearly, the bar for the Medal of Freedom has been relocated to the basement.