Creepy Big Brother Tech is Everywhere and People Don’t Seem to Care

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    The use of facial recognition technology in American society has expanded rapidly in the past decade. It has especially expanded since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been in office—both in the public and private sectors. Unfortunately for the American people, Congress doesn’t seem to be paying any attention to this technology at all and is taking no steps to regulate it or protect Americans’ privacy.

    No one, since George Orwell, seems to have thought this technology through very well. Yet it’s everywhere. It’s now ubiquitous. If you or a friend or loved one has ever posted a picture of you on social media, you are now in “the system”—whether you like it or not.

    The Biden-Harris regime has already implemented the “solution” for all US government websites. If you need to log in to Social Security or any other government site, you can scan your face as your ID. This supposedly keeps you safe from identity theft.

    Combined with AI, this technology becomes even more creepy. Harvard students were able to integrate PimEyes facial recognition tech with a pair of Meta’s smart glasses. This allowed them to instantly and accurately pull up any stranger’s name, home address, and a host of other private, personal information.

    Imagine being a young woman in a society where a serial rapist has a pair of those glasses. It’s easy to see how this could rapidly get out of control, while not keeping anyone safe from criminals.

    Like many of the technological advances we’re seeing these days, Congress is oblivious to facial recognition technology. No one even seems to think about the creepy and dystopian future that these far-left, communist tech companies are designing for us to live in. Someone had better wake up soon before it’s too late.