Swedish Government Finally Admits Mass Immigration Has Wrecked Their Country


Nine years after unelected technocrats in Brussels decided to throw open everyone’s borders and invite the Third World in to colonize Europe, Sweden is finally throwing in the towel. Mass immigration has destroyed the country to the point where it can no longer be considered a part of Western civilization. In response, the government is now offering illegal aliens tens of thousands of dollars to get the hell out and go back home.

Sweden used to be one of the most peaceful, safe, and boring countries to visit in Europe. Not today! In 2024, rival gangs from countries in Africa and the Middle East routinely stage bomb attacks and throw grenades at one another. They set cars on fire and dynamite the ATMs when they need some cash.

A nation that was virtually crime-free ten years ago has been transformed into a war zone.

The situation has gotten so bad that Sweden became the first nation in history that had to open a rape crisis medical clinic—for men and boys. It’s now unsafe for Swedish men or women to walk the streets in their own cities after dark.

The newly elected right-wing government in Sweden has had it. They are now offering illegal aliens grants of up to $34,000 to just get the hell out. If they go home to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Iran, or Iraq, they get tens of thousands of dollars. Just don’t come back.

Neo-liberalism has been a disastrous failure everywhere that it has been tried. People from different cultures are not interchangeable. Some countries are, in fact, better than others. When you import people from garbage cultures into your nice country, it does not improve those people. It worsens your country. It’s nice to see that at least one nation in Europe is finally admitting this openly.