Philadelphia Leftists March and Demand a ‘Class War’

    Ray Fearon /
    Ray Fearon /

    The disturbing video footage of communist protesters marching through the streets of Philadelphia, chanting “Class war, 2024! Fight the rich, feed the poor!” while brandishing the infamous hammer-and-sickle emblem is shocking.

    American-Israeli student Eyal Yakoby aptly summarized the situation when he tweeted:

    “Communists are currently taking over Philadelphia. These communists are waving the Hammer and Sickle flag, a flag responsible for the Soviet Gulags, the Great Terror, and widespread famine. If you are wondering how this is happening, look no further than US universities.”

    Yakoby’s observation highlights the stark reality facing us today – the insidious influence of Marxist ideology within institutions of higher learning. As evidenced by the approximately 500-strong contingent of Revolutionary Communists of America (RCA) participating in the Philly protest, it appears that academia continues to churn out ideologues hell-bent on resurrecting the failed experiments of yesteryear.

    Dr. Jordan Peterson astutely observed during a 2019 Heritage Foundation interview, “It’s easy to understand why people are emotionally drawn to the ideals of socialism, let’s say the left, because it draws its fundamental motivational source from a primary compassion… That is always there in human beings, and so that proclivity for sensitivity to that political message will never go away. It’s important to understand that. You have to give the devil his due, unfortunately.”

    Peterson’s words serve as a poignant reminder that humanity’s innate desire for justice can be exploited by those peddling utopian fantasies. History bears witness to the devastating consequences of such manipulation – from France’s Reign of Terror to Mao’s Cultural Revolution, where millions perished under the iron grip of ‘compassionate’ dictators.

    Karl Marx himself once penned a chilling ode vowing vengeance against the Almighty; subsequently, Soviet and Red China regimes went about methodically eradicating faith alongside tens of millions of innocents throughout the last century.

    Nowadays, it seems that naivety rather than outright malicious intent drives movements like the RCA. Nonetheless, the potential dangers lurking beneath the surface should not be underestimated. After all, history teaches us that ideological fervor knows little bounds when fueled by blind conviction.

    We must confront head-on both the academic indoctrination driving this phenomenon and the dark legacy of the ideologies being espoused. Only then might we begin to stem the tide of resurgent radicalism threatening our nation’s fabric.

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