Biden on Mount Rushmore? Pelosi’s Ridiculous Suggestion

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    Oh, Nancy Pelosi, at it again with her grand delusions! The former House Speaker has once more proven she’s out of touch by suggesting that President Joe Biden should be added to Mount Rushmore. Yes, you read that right. Mount. Rushmore.

    During an interview on CBS News’ “Sunday Morning,” Pelosi rambled through various topics, but the highlight (or lowlight) was her preposterous proposal about Biden. This clip aired after Biden was forced to bow out of the presidential race against Donald Trump. His poll numbers were in free fall, likely because he displayed significant cognitive decline during June’s presidential debate.

    Pelosi’s take on Biden’s exit? “So he was in a good place to make whatever decision, at the top of his game.” Really, Nancy? The top of his game? The man couldn’t remember what state he was in half the time. And then she doubled down, calling Biden “a Mount Rushmore kind of president.”

    Cue the media’s left-leaning Leslie Stahl, who was visibly stunned by Pelosi’s ludicrous comment. Stahl practically had to ask if Pelosi was serious. “Lincoln and Joe Biden?” she questioned, clearly stunned.

    But Pelosi didn’t stop there. She tried to back up her wild idea by praising Teddy Roosevelt, “I don’t say take him down, but you can add Biden.” Sure, Nancy, let’s just get out our chisels and start carving Joe’s face into the granite next to Lincoln and Washington. Why not add a few more faces while we’re at it?

    This kind of thinking shows how disconnected some politicians have become. Biden’s presidency has been plagued with issues, from foreign policy blunders to economic woes. But in Pelosi’s world, he’s right up there with the greats of American history. It’s as if reality doesn’t apply to her.

    While the media might try to spin this as Pelosi being a supportive party leader, anyone with common sense can see the absurdity. This moment of unintentional comedy should serve as a reminder of the growing detachment between Washington elites and the American people.

    So, next time you hear Pelosi talking, remember her Mount Rushmore comment. It’s a perfect example of why many Americans feel fed up with the political elite.